College-Glen Real Estate Advice & Community Info

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College-Glen Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting - 10/29/15

Thursday October 29, 2015
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Fire Station 60, 3301 Julliard Drive


The College-Glen Neighborhood Association annual meeting will begin at 6:30pm with light refreshments, socializing, and a review of photos from the year’s events. The business agenda will start at 6:45pm.
This year we will be electing the officers and directors for both the College-Glen Neighborhood Association and the CGNA Foundation. In addition, we will have two separate corporate reports: one for the Association and one for the Foundation. Both will include community updates. Following the reports we will hear from some of our elected representatives, area academic leaders, and members of the Sacramento fire and police departments. Those guests accepting our invitation are listed in the agenda.
Lieutenant Bob McCloskey and Lieutenant Glen Faulkner will discuss our request for surveillance cameras with license plate readers and will have one to share with us. Deputy Fire Chief Michael Bartley and Fire Captain Hooman Ghazanfari will bring us up-todate on current laws and issues related to home fire safety. Rebekah Cearley, CGNA Secretary and registered legislative advocate, will close with a legislative update.
Following the presentations there will be an opportunity to ask questions of our guests.

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clear skies,

Doug Reynolds

