Annual College Glen Neighborhood Association Meeting on 10/23

When: Thursday, October 23rd from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. (Light Refreshments and socializing the first 15 minutes)

Where: Sacramento Fire Department Station 60, 3301 Julliard Drive, Sacramento (across from Raley’s)

What: In addition to the basic CGNA election, annual report, and community up-date, the Association has invited Roger Dickinson and Richard Pan candidates for State Senate District 6; Steve Cohn and Kevin McCarty candidates for State Assembly District 7, Carl Burton, Greg Fishman, and Mario Guerrero candidates for SMUD Board Ward 3 and Ellen Cochran and Jeff
Cuneo candidates for SCUSD Trustee Area 2, to take 2 to 3 minutes to introduce themselves and share their primary goals with those in attendance. We have also invited representatives from both sides of Measure L, the Strong Mayor Initiative, to speak on this important local issue.

In addition to those seeking to represent us, we will have current representatives from the SCUSD, Christina Pritchett & Jeff Cuneo; Sacramento County School District, Greg Geeting, Jacquelyn Levy
and Tomaysa Glover; City Council, Kevin McCarty; State Assembly, Roger Dickinson; CSUS, Robert Dugan; City Police Lieutenants Alisa Buckley and Glen Faulkner; and Fire Captain Hooman Ghazanfari to bring us up to date on current issues. In an effort to insure that we are able to give everyone time on the agenda and still have time for our traditional Q & A and the end of the meeting the Association will start their annual report at 6:45 pm.

Why: Because College-Glen is a great neighborhood.  It's important to meet your neighbors, know what's going on in the area and voice any opinions/concerns of things occuring in College-Glen.  Also a great opportunity to meet and talk with those that serve our neighborhood on a daily basis.

I hope to see you there!!

 College-Glen Real Estate - Doug Reynolds