
There are physically two schools within the neighborhood of College-Glen.  Bancroft Elementary is the public school run by Sacramento City Unified School District. The other is Jefferson Elementary, which is currently being used by the California Montessori Project.

Hubert H. Bancroft Elementary School
2929 Belmar Street
Sacramento, CA 95826

Thomas Jefferson Elementary School/ California Montessori Project Capitol Campus
2635 Chestnut Hill Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95826
(916) 325-0910
Email -

The middle school situation is a bit trickier. The neighborhood is assigned to Kit Carson Middle School. However, many parents use the open enrollment period of the school district to enter the lottery for Sutter Middle School first and then Albert Einstein Middle School second. There is a bus that comes into the neighborhood for those who get into Sutter Middle School.

Kit Carson Middle School
5301 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 277-6750

Sutter Middle School
3150 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 264-4150

Albert Einstein Middle School
9235 Mirandy Drive
Sacramento, CA 95826
(916) 228-5800

The assigned high school for the area is Rosemont High School. Most teenagers in the neighborhood go there, but there are also a number of schools that are attended by College-Glen residents either through open enrollment or private schools in the area. 

Rosemont High School (public SCUSD)
9594 Kiefer Blvd,
Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 228-5844

West Campus High School (public SCUSD)
5022 58th Street
Sacramento, CA 95820
(916) 277-6400

Capital Christian High School
9470 Micron Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95827

(916) 856-5611